Sunday, 10 November 2013

Fun with photos

At our computer Club we also had a photo shoot. We collected some props the children for the children to dress up and the photos were inserted in a template or online into photoFunia
Here are some results


Using Gimp

We practised using GIMP which is free Open source software. It is graphic design software, like Photoshop. It takes some practise but you can do really cool things with it when you get to know it.

We learned to cut out a picture with a white background using the magic wand in Gimp. 
We saved it as a paint brush and printed it.
We took it a step further and used the pictures they cut out, to past them on a background.

A term full of creativity

This last term we've been busy with graphic design which is the art of combining text and pictures. We were having fun being creative and in the process learn different ways of working with software like GIMP, Paint Shop Pro, Picasa, Publisher and

We learned to copy and past photos on a background and used the paintbrush and the paint bucket in Pain Shop Pro

Francesca's work

Jordan's work

Roberts work